Tuesday, January 11, 2011

macarons continued:

I used a martha stweart recipe for macarons.
I had fun and the macarons came out great!
here is the link to the recipe I used:

this is a slide show my friend melody took while i was making my macarons.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

few days late, but happy new year!

2010 is now the past, and I can only hope for the best in 2011. I came across this interesting article that had really great food based resoulution ideas. just some things to think about:


choppin' onions!

Some of the basic skills of cooking (which often scare people away from attempting to cook at all)  are the simplest tasks; people just need a little instruction. Here is a tutitoral of how to chop an onion I took from good house keeping magazine.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


video i used to gain some intruction and information from.

first post!

I am going to use the upcoming winter as the perfect time to create i am unfamilar with and document along the way. i have been having the baking itch so this week i am going to attempt to make macarons. i stole this picture from another blog called bakingbetweencities and have gathered some information and inspiration from, ill let you know how it goes!